The Phylanice Nashe Experience
The Phylanice Nashe Experience is a podcast series of light hearted and sometimes third-eye opening conversations on Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Relationships from the African American perspective. Host Phylanice Nashe, successful Entrepreneur, Educator and Philanthropist, chats with African American entrepreneurs and business leaders who share the ups and downs of their entrepreneurship journey and ways to minimize the Collateral Damage effect entrepreneurship can have on a marriage and family unit. We hope these stories and nuggets of wisdom inspire others to continue to pour into their businesses and family. #phylanicenasheexperience✅New Episodes drop every second and fourth Fridays of the month.✅ Follow & Rate the Show!✅Follow on Instagram @phylanicenashe✅Watch Interviews Subscribe to YouTube Channel @The Phylanice Experience Podcast
The Phylanice Nashe Experience
Fixing Toxic Work Environments | with The Queen of Workplace Wellness, Joyce Odidison
Season 2
Episode 6
YouTube Channel (Video Interview) Link
Summary: Host Phylanice Nashe chats with the Queen of Workplace Wellness, Joyce Odidison. Joyce is an entrepreneur, specializing in conflict analysis and has over 24 years experience providing emotional wellness and interpersonal resilience for individuals and businesses. Joyce shares how her wholistic approach helps people and corporations, identify and work through Toxic Work Environments (micro-aggressions, passive aggressive behavior etc), both in person and virtually , so they can get back to being productive and excel at work. You won't want to miss this discussion.
Host: Phylanice Nashe's Social Media
- LinkedIn: Phylanice Nashe J.D.
- IG: @phylanicenashe
- FB: Phylanice Nashe
- Subscribe: "The Phylanice Nashe Experience Podcast" YouTube Channel
Guest: Joyce Odidison's Social Media & Other Offerings
- IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyceodidison
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/joyceodidison
- FB: https://www.facebook.com/joyceodidisonbiz/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joyceodidison/
- Pintrest: https://www.pinterest.ca/interpersonalwellnessservices/
- Take the Interpersonal Relationship Audit
- Take the Emotional Wellness Cleanse
- Coach Velocity School of Coaching
- Podcast: What's Happening At Work