The Phylanice Nashe Experience
The Phylanice Nashe Experience is a podcast series of light hearted and sometimes third-eye opening conversations on Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Relationships from the African American perspective. Host Phylanice Nashe, successful Entrepreneur, Educator and Philanthropist, chats with African American entrepreneurs and business leaders who share the ups and downs of their entrepreneurship journey and ways to minimize the Collateral Damage effect entrepreneurship can have on a marriage and family unit. We hope these stories and nuggets of wisdom inspire others to continue to pour into their businesses and family. #phylanicenasheexperience✅New Episodes drop every second and fourth Fridays of the month.✅ Follow & Rate the Show!✅Follow on Instagram @phylanicenashe✅Watch Interviews Subscribe to YouTube Channel @The Phylanice Experience Podcast
The Phylanice Nashe Experience
How To Navigate Spousepreneurship | w/ Entrepreneurial Couple Dexter & Kendra Jenkins
June 10, 2022
Phylanice Nashe J.D.
Season 3
Episode 8
Summary: In this episode, host Phylanice Nashe will be chatting with spousepreneur couple, Reverend Dexter and Kendra Jenkins, about the ups and downs of navigating entrepreneurship as a couple. They're sharing insight on how they nurture their relationship while building their businesses.
Discussion Topics:
- Coping with Covid - Did it affect their businesses?
- Their entrepreneurial Journey
- How they nurture their relationship while in business
- How spouses support one another in spousepreneurship
- How love languages can help balance the relationship
- The mission of their businesses - church, real estate, and financial literacy organization
- The meaning of the SHIP philosophy
- Nuggets of Wisdom
Host: Phylanice Nashe's Social Media
- LinkedIn: The Phylanice Nashe Experience Podcast
- IG: @phylanicenashe
- FB: The Phylanice Nashe Experience Podcast
- YT: The Phylanice Nashe Experience Podcast
Guests: Rev. Dexter & Kendra Jenkins
- Church:
- Real Estate:
Dexter B. Jenkins
- LinkedIn: Dexter B. Jenkins
- Facebook: DexterBJenkins
- Twitter: DexterBJenkins
Kendra Jenkins
- LinkedIn: Kendra Jenkins
- Facebook: Kendra Jenkins
- Twitter: Kendra Jenkins